In Asia, there is a lot more sharing of space. Families not only live in smaller spaces but due to filial responsibilities families live together for longer periods (i.e. many live with their parents and extended families all of their life). This has resulted in more "love hotels" and "make out parks" than you can shake a stick at.
This is directly related to people wanted to have sex but not in front of their family. This is tangential to the issue of parents having sex in front of the kids but it is related to the larger concept of privacy.
For me the issue here (the parents staging a scene for the daughter) is one that many abusive relationships are founded on... power. A 9-year-old is not on an equal footing with her parents. She may not perceive that she has a choice to leave the room.
Yes, they say she wasn't being forced. They say it was just for education. But I find that to be highly suspect. As I said from the start, I am taking a wait and see attitude. My bullshit detector is screaming though.
There is also the very real possibility that "the boyfriend" is priming her for abuse later on. It has all the earmarks of that sort of abuse.
Again, I am all for education and explicit details. I just draw the line in a different place. I will be amazed to see, when and if some of you ever have kids, if you will put your beliefs into practice.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke