I really thought I was the only one with this problem.
And "Oh my god, its annoying".
I have been having a reoccuring slit on the lower part of my vagina for a couple of years now. It has destroyed the spark and have now thought of giving it a name, as its like the third wheel in our relationship.
I am so glad to hear im not alone but also feel so sorry for all you girls out there who have the same problem.
I think for me though it has made a difference when i relax and not think about it (like when i drink, I never have this problem).
Even watching porn or fantasizing has helped but of course as soon as I freeze up and think its going to hurt....it happens.
I have tried to speak to doctors, mum, sister and friends but none of them can relate.
Dont worry girls.....we will win against this and have a life full of pleasure...not pain!!!!!