Originally Posted by jorgelito
Sarcasm? Not at all. I've simply never heard of that. None of my Japanese friends has ever mentioned dolphin meat, nor have I ever seen it on a menu. When I lived in Japan, I never heard of it either. I've heard of the whale thing in Japan and Scandinavia, but whale meat isn't very popular at all in Japan. *shrug*
Yeah, I wasn't sure. Yes, there are many places around the world where dolphin isn't just legal, but is popular. In Japan it's been that way for quite some time, but recently (the last 25 years) it's become less popular because of the dolphin's role in pop culture (flipper, dolphins are intelligent, etc.). Dolphin meat has different (the good: something like 92% calories from protien, the bad: high in cholesterol) nutritional values than fish, which also makes it important.
And yes Mahi Mahi is
dolphin-fish, which is not a mammal. It's a ray-finned fish, and it's a dolphin in name only. Dolphin meat, on the other hand, goes quite well with mustard.