Originally Posted by smooth
what I wrote is where she describes her memory end point the night before and the start point in the morning. everything else is what she claims he told her. so her falling all over, calling him different names, and puking were all things he relayed to her the next day. doesn't sound like he was trying to hide her drunken state, and doesn't fit the profile you (Gilda) suspect of someone who's trying to alter the facts to put him in the best light.
I said "better light". People who've done wrong often try to put a more positive interpretation on things that lessens or mitigates their accountability for their actions without altering things completely. Even if this is the coldly factual account of what happened on his part, with nothing altered to make him look better, this guy is still a major creep, or at least was acting like one.
it sounds more likely that he took care of a drunk girl and then when she came to (but not the REAL coming to, because the REAL person would never act like what followed...), they started to talk about her life and then somehow sex was brought up and she has hazy rememberings that she consented.
He took care of the drunk girl who was vomiting, couldn't stand on her own, and was calling him by the wrong name by taking her back to his hotel and having sex with her.
Not what I'd call a nice guy.