Whether or not a crime punishable by our judicial system occurred, I really don't think there's any question that the guy is a douche. Furthermore, in many (most?) criminal codes throughout the US, having sex with a girl who is drunk-EVEN IF the guy is drunk, too-can get you convicted of sexual assault. Consent CANNOT be given while you're drunk. It's a legal impossibility, in the same way that a contract made while you're drunk isn't valid. When I was a freshman in college, they had a series of lectures that everyone had to go to in the first few weeks where they had cops come in and explain it to us so that no one would be surprised if they got arrested. Now, certainly there is prosecutorial discretion involved and it's not at all likely that most of these cases see trial, but that remains the law.
The whole "consciousness" question is pretty irrelevant. If someone gave you laughing gas and had you sign your bank account away in exchange for a bag of poo, you would have been conscious, too, but that doesn't count for a whole lot. She may have been "conscious" in the sense that she wasn't asleep or dead, but she had no legal capacity to give any sort of consent.
All legal arguments aside, the decent thing to do would be help the person up and get them back to their hotel. If you're a stickler for rules and kind of heartless, I can see you wanting to call the police. Buying the person another drink and having sex with her really doesn't fall into any reasonable category besides "taking advantage of the situation." And that, pretty clearly, makes you an asshole.