Originally Posted by asaris
Daniel: I assume you discount the possibility that God might allow some evil for the greater good? I mean, if I knock over someone trying to save the life of my kids, that's a good act right? While just knocking someone over is bad. That's why the argument from evil just doesn't work as a deductive argument.
It's a fair point - but what greater good can come from genocide? Even if you allow that it serves an educative purpose for the survivors, there can be little improvement for anyone in hacking the hands off babies (as has hapened in several african conflicts).
One option I've heard put forward is that people have free will, that God (for want of a better term) checks out your behaviour when you die but refuses to intervene while you live. In other words God is a scoring system for the afterlife.
Well, if that's the case, I go back to my earlier comment about not deservig our worship.
Any supreme being that is so inseccure that it needs my worship ought to get itse;f to a therapist. It's like me caring whether mildew loves me.