Originally Posted by Charlatan
Elphaba, if you or anyone else, thinks they know someone would be a great moderator, please send them a quick PM to suggest it to them.
Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge.
Good luck to everyone... it's always so hard to pick 2 or 3 people from all the responses we get. But, like Halx said, they will be temporary positions- so in another 6 months, there will be another rotation of new mods, and another chance to pick more people.
This will give people the chance to become more interactive with the way things go. The best way to get "real" input on decisions that matter to the community, is to really get the community represented in those decisions. By rotating basic moderators every 6 months, we will always have fresh ideas, and we will always have a fresh look at the "pulse" of the board- what people want or don't want, what works well and what doesn't, that sort of thing.
And every once in a while (as often as we ever have), when there are openings to fill on the permanent staff, we will promote from those who already spent time as moderators. This means you get people promoted to permanent staff who already did the job for a while, and we were so impressed with their diplomacy, their ability to interact with members and perform mod duties, that they got taken on as a position on the actual staff- this would be the Super Moderators and Administrators.
So once again- good luck, and I can't wait to see who we hear from!