Originally Posted by Charlatan
Kali, it looks increasingly like the Liberals are your best bet then Kali. They have been the fiscally conservative, socially liberal party for the past decade and a bit.
Fiscally conservative????? Maybe Mr Martin. But sure as heck not the rest of those money-grabbing, self-serving cronies.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
The Conservatives are just more neo-con nonsense. That said, despite Harper's own socially conservative bent, he is a politician that can see where the vote lie. As a result his policies and actions have shifted, bit by bit to a more socially liberal slant (small bits by bits).
I think the Neo-Con term is falling to the conspiracy theorists. It meant something once upon a time when certain democrats moved away from the left over what they saw as weak foreign policy. But now it's a just a term for the boogie man. Or Mr Bush... As for Mr Harper's changing policies, I applaud a man who can change his mind and a politician who can bow to the majority view regardless of his own opinion.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
He is trying hard to be everything to everybody on the right (ie appeal to the PC vote on Ontario and Quebec while also appealing to the Reform base in Alberta and BC). It worked for him in the last election.
Have to agree with you on that one. All three of our main political parties have big philosophical splits in them. Keeping them from fracturing requires a lot of pandering and vote-trading. Unfortunately.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
My worry is that once he is in a majority situation, he will do what he pleases and damn the consequences.
i worry about that with all of them... But I think the right always has a more tenuous grip on power in Canada so they will always have to show a little more restraint than the centralist Liberals.