Hmm, I didn't notice the last part of your post, before. Did you add that in your edit?
Originally Posted by ratbastid
This is pretty seriously off-topic, but without a BAC measurement, what you've written here is meaningless. You're taking the anecdotal evidence of your own response to alcohol and using it to discount the experience of a whole swath of people.
So, I guess the repeated uses of the word "personal" didn't indicate to you that I didn't mean to use my "anecdotal evidence" to "discount the experience of a whole swath of people." Again, I swear that people aren't even
trying to understand me...
Rape is in the eye of the beholder. That's what this law is about (anybody remember the OP?). This law codifies that if at any point either party "feels" raped, it's rape. That's how it IS. May as well be law.
Well, I suppose rape is "in the eye of the beholder." I mean, a lot of rapists don't see themselves as rapists. They deserved the sex they got and the women were obligated to give it to them...
I vehemently disagree that that's what this law is about. This law doesn't, at all, "codify" what you're suggesting. If the woman withdraws her consent in the middle of sex and the man desists then it is not rape. If he continues then it's rape. That's what this law is about and it has nothing to do with "feelings." Indeed, I can't tell what the hell you're talking about!