Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
There were times when drank so much that I would vomit if I were to drink any more and, thus, it would be physically impossible to get any drunker. Even at these times, I still knew what I was doing and would still remember it the next day. As an example of my consciousness, I would make sure to drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids before going to bed in an attempt to avoid a hang-over the next morning 'cause they don't sound like fun.
Just to follow up... nope, you haven't gotten yourself to the point of blackout probably
because you haven't drank to the point of vomiting, yet. I don't know the biology of it, but I've witnessed it several times with friends as well as in myself. You can drink to the point of throwing up, then vomit... and go right back to drinking, getting yourself in even deeper.
After several iterations of this process, you get to the point where the brain is so overloaded that it starts to switch off its "recording mode" (the parts of the brain that control memory), as well as any rational thought processes. You forget to drink water, you forget that you're a virgin (in my case), you forget that you care about anything at all, really. All circuits go down until the liver can begin to cope and shuffle that shit out of your system... and if it's even beyond that point, then alcohol poisoning sets in (which I have never experienced, believe it or not).
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Look, at the end of the day, rape is in the eye of the beholder. Abaya doesn't "feel" raped. She "feels" like what happened was, she got drunk and in a moment of drunken bad judgment did something she regrets. She's being WAY responsible for herself and her life here. I, for one, decline to turn her into a victim of something. She's got way more power with the situation if she can keep her own responsibility for it (which is different from blaming herself, which I don't hear her doing either).
ratbastid has spoken the truth (at least, my truth) here, and in a powerful way. Thank you for seeing the core of the issue, rat. I really appreciate your words, more than you know...
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Rape is in the eye of the beholder. That's what this law is about (anybody remember the OP?). This law codifies that if at any point either party "feels" raped, it's rape. That's how it IS. May as well be law.
Well, I've been trying to keep this related to the OP... since I felt it was a real-life scenario that could be tested against the OP and related laws, etc. I hope it hasn't gone too far off topic... but I think in drawing out my individual story, it has shown that indeed rape is NOT an entirely objective concept. Sure, in some situations, there are no questions whatsoever. But in many other situations it's a damn slippery label, and proves even more difficult to stick on someone in a court of law, or even in one's mind.