Originally Posted by Valentina
And I could swear that the Penthouse letters section and the dirty stories in other skin magazines were more interesting, kinkier, and of higher quality back in the late '70's and early to mid-eighties--compared to, say, the late eighties and most of the nineties, before internet porn took over....
Does anyone agree?
Oh I do. The letters to Penthouse I found far more interesting than the pictures. I swear I can damn near remember word for word some of them or at least the situations that they detailed.
Internet porn I suppose will never have a measurable impact on sexuality as we know it. Not that it won't impact sexuality, I just don't know that it will be accurately measured due to people not being able to frankly talk about it.
And speaking of how porn has changed... Does anyone else remember seeing men in business suits hanging around the shelf in the back of the bookstore during the lunch hour? Before the big bookstore chains, ever little neighborhood seemed to have a shop where there was a certain section in the back where men spent their lunch hours.