Like Dawkins, I will not say with absolute certainty that there is no God. I will say that it is so highly improbably that the likelihood of his existence is as close to zero as you can get.
This is not a leap of faith, it is observable fact.
There is not scientific, observable, quantifiable evidence of the existence of a "supreme being" or "force". I see no need to ascribe nature to something like that.
Comparing the big bang theory to the creation theory is pointless. The big bang is only one of many scientific explanations we currently use to explain how life came about. None are accepted as purely factual. They are extrapolations based on measurable and quantifiable observations. Things that can be replicated under controlled circumstances. They are not faith-based and they are not hearsay.
It is very likely that as our tools and instruments get better that we will be able to discern something else that will completely change how we view the start of the Universe.
The point to take home from this is that know or not knowing this information is not paramount to my belief system. I am content in knowing that I don't know where life comes from.
The two main tenets of any religion is where did life come from and what happens when we die.
These are the big questions of life. Science doesn't pretend to know the answers and as such just keeps looking. Religion provides comfort in the face of the unknowable.
I say, I don't need that comfort thank you very much. I can live my life quite happily knowing that when I die I won't have all the answers and that when I am gone I will be gone. No after life. The only thing left will be some of my genetic code in my offspring and some of my mimetic code in their minds.
My point about you being 100% wrong is not directed at your belief in God, I covered that in the first paragraph of this post. It is directed at your assertion that atheism is a religion. it meets none of the criteria for religion. So you are wrong so say something that it is. 2 + 2 does not equal 5. It is a wrong answer. Am I being religious now?
Ch'i I get what you are saying but I don't see SF arguing this position. I could see this sort of thing happening if there was some sort leadership or atheist following but there isn't. That said, I never underestimate the ability of humanity to do harm to each other.
Finally, SF, you suggest that because many different cultures have had religion it proves that there is some sort of God. And I say, yet again there is no measurable, quantifiable proof that they were not just deluding themselves too.
It's all just hearsay until you can measure it.
Just because a million people believe something wrong doesn't make it true.
Originally Posted by Kalnaur
So are most of the forumers here Atheistic? If so, I won't even toss in my two cents.
I would say that the Atheists are out numbered by a wide margin.