saying you dont believe in God is a judgment
saying you know there is no God is a leap of faith - because you are saying you know something that cannot be proved.
since Dawkins makes so much of his claim to be a scientist, people that support him should have a little respect of the scientific method... science can only prove that things are true, not really that things cannot be true - unless every circumstance can be controlled.
If you observe a pond and see 100 white swans, then you can say you have proved that a swan can be white, but it isnt so easy to say that it is impossible for there ever to be a black swan.
If you want evidence for God... try naming a single known society, modern or ancient, that had no concept of the supernatural? If you cannot, then for what reasons is this belief so universal? If you want to say that it is IMPOSSIBLE that God created the universe, then what evidence will you provide that matter was CREATED FROM NOTHING through another method? Or if you would prefer to explain the concept of eternity within our present knowledge of time, that would also be fine.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
As for your contention that Atheism is a religion. There is just no arguing with that. You are 100% wrong in your position. Based on *any* definition of religion I know, being an Atheist has nothing to do with religion and it has little to do with faith.
I hope you will not be offended if I say that "you are 100% wrong, and I do not need to even argue with you because my position is correct" is a statement that souns quite characteristic of faith, or even "religion"