Originally Posted by pan6467
Ah but you have been legislating smoking, cell phone use in cars, now you are starting trans fats and the worst part...... people keep voting for these laws to be passed.
It's a joke to believe we have freedom to do anything. I heard the newest thing coming down the pike are health insurance companies telling you that you have to belong to a health club and attend several times a month, PLUS, not have alcohol or nicotine in your system plus your cholestrol cannot rise more than a certain number. IF you want to be insured by them....
And it's legal, because they are a private business and can insure who they want.
Now wait a minute..... a company can do this but not decide if they want their patrons to smoke? And the citizenry of this country smile, claim it's for the betterment of everyone else and accept getting ass fucked and have rights taken away, because they feel a tad bit safer now.
Death is inevitable, accidents are inevitable.... we cannot prevent either and to pass legislation taking away people's rights is fucked up.
It amazes me..... you think if we have a true war or problem in this country you're going to worry about whether the guy next to is smoking a cigarette? Or talking on a cellphone or listening to an IPod as they walk down the road?
People wait for extremes.... until then they don't give a damn about what rights they are losing.
I agree 100% with everything in this post.
I want to expand upon one of pan's points a little though -- the last line. People wait for extremes, they do not expect them as they should. The government forming a nanny-state to wall in its citizenry is accepted up to the point where its idiocy is finally made undeniably apparent. This is why principles are important. People need to think long and hard about the purpose of government and object when government powers are overreaching, even if it benefits them. If people remain blissfully ignorant or shortsightedly selfish (in a bad way) they -- we -- are giving up ALL of our individual rights.