I could not disagree more with hagaths's post (with all due respect). If you have motor volition then your experience is definatively NOT sleep paralysis. I think everyone could agree upon that.
At that point you have a choice. Either you choose that the experience is an internal mechanism (outside of sleep paralysis) or it is physically real. Either one involves a big problem! I would recommend that you absolutely do not give in to these experience, be they delusional or real. No matter what you are either in conflict with yourself or a malignant force and you 100% want your current prevailing thoughts to fight through.
My recommendation would be to start sleeping in a different room and see how that influences the experience. If it does not then try one or two nights in a different house completely. That should be enough to determine if the effect is around you or a location. If it is around you then try sleeping alone with a light ring of salt around your sleeping area. In almost every culture that has an effect on supernatural forces (which I have a limited belief in). If none of this helps then you may have a legitimate paranormal experience occurring, but even that could be influences by your own perception of this occurrence.
The important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of the source it should be of concern and that it could become a serious problem. Take steps to figure out the meaning behind it all and always remember that you are your own best guide. Do what works for you and solve the problem. DO NOT IGNORE IT. Confronting it now, no matter what it means, will save you much anxiety and hardship in the future.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751