...adding to Just's recommendations, find another way to satisfy a sweet tooth, if you have one. Mine is honey, because it is a natural vs. refined source of sweetness. I seem better able to process natural sugars.
Remove refined foods as much as you can, and like every diet we all have heard of but wish to ignore...EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! There are books and websites with diabetic receipes and meal planners. You have no excuse about taking control of your healthful eating. Fiber truly is your friend, but there are sources that you might find more palitable.
Have you been advised to exercise? Do it, do it, do it! Even if you have no more time than a few butt squeezes as you sit in your chair; DO IT! There are books and websites that promote everyday, healthy exercise. Some are directed toward diabetics. At the minimum, walk, walk, walk as much as you are able.
You MUST take responsibility for being aware of your blood sugar. You can either be in ER or dead...your choice, if this small moment of responsibility seems too tough or annoying to you.
I am so frickin' serious, tinfoil. I am watching my brother-in-law die from all of the above, because he chose not pay attention to what he was told, and could have confirmed on his own.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007