Originally Posted by Paq
and as for health insurance..heck, there are millions without it...
I think that testing for nicotine is very risky bc of the public smoking sphere. I have never smoked in my life, but i'm exposed to enough that i'm sure i would fail a test to detect nicotine. i can honestly see why an insurance company would raise premiums for people who smoke. i mean, i know they raise them if you engage in risky behaviors, have a risky job, etc, so i don't think it's unreasonable for them to raise rates for smokers. heck, mine went up just bc i got a year older.
I'm also conficted by these kinds of lifestyle choices being denied insurance, employment, etc.. It is not too hard to imagine being denied a job or insurance because you tested positive for nicotine even if you don't smoke. Perhaps those who live in polluted cities or down wind from power stations will also test positive for some harmful substances.
I wonder how many would be acceptable for insurance and employment if they are available only those who are healthy, exersize regularly, have no harmful substances in their body and live in a pollution free environment. I also imagine your genes can be tested to determine if you are likely to come down with any number of ailments. While companies have the right to deny employment and/or insurance for any reason, I hope they do not go too far with this thinking.
As far as the OP goes, I believe this to be a bad law. Not everything that is a good idea has to be enforced by laws.