Thanks for the kinder tone, KM. I appreciate it.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
All of these women have deliberately taken actions that increased their chances of getting raped. Did they all deserve it? Did any of them deserve it? If they deserved it, does that mean the rapist is absolved of his crime? It's okay to rape girls who "are asking for it?"
No, no, no, and no. I did not make any allusion to me or anyone else "deserving" it. No one deserves to be raped, period. We agree there, particularly on this point...
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
In my opinion, you are responsible for your actions but that doesn't mean you deserve to be raped and it certainly doesn't free the rapist of guilt.
Yep, my only point was that I was responsible for my actions (hence what the OP and this thread are partially about). I did not say that I deserved it, or that the guy wasn't an asshole for doing it. I think the fault still lays most heavily on the guy, but I saw no point in pursuing that legally, for my own reasons.
And I find it interesting that up until now, here on an anonymous internet forum, not a single person IRL called the situation "rape." And I told quite a variety of people about this situation... (very close friends, both conservative and liberal, men and women). Although, it's true that I didn't tell my parents... they might have been the only ones to label it that way. But what parent wouldn't respond in that manner.
Originally Posted by Knife Missile
I can't say it's okay to rape girls who put themselves in a position to be raped yet I can't help but think this is your position...
Again, I never said it was "okay." That is not my position. My thoughts are that in some situations, the woman is not 100% a victim, and the man is not 100% a perpetrator. Yes, the man can always overwhelm the woman... but when physical force is not involved (e.g., in my case, the dude was a wimp... I could have beat this guy up), it's more an issue of both sides making poor decisions. Then it's very difficult to point the finger entirely at one person.
Responsibility and justice are complicated in some situations, I've found.
Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
You have to be of sound mind to give consent and you've clearly demonstrated that you were not that.
I can start to agree with you here, on the idea of consent. Sound mind.
But what happens when the other person is also not of sound mind (the guy was, clearly, drunk as well)? Or if I appeared to be of sound mind (a common occurrence, when one is blacked out)? It's all very gray area, at that point. Hence the complications.