All I can say at this point is that everything you are saying of athiests, can and has been said about the religious.
Oh... I see... Screw that because it doesn't conform to your personal belief system, right?
because thats exactly what you are doing
If you sit in the corner, you still might be influenced by theist beliefs. No, you should go outside.
because you can go outside to pray
No, you're really not being imposed upon. You're never forced to participate in prayer. Ever. Never have been, never will be.
because you've never been forced not to pray, and I can garrentee that.
and about this one
You seem to forget that those "Basic rights" apply to everyone. It seems as if the only one trying to bend those basic rights are the atheists.
I'm not even sure how you can possibly say that, without truly knowing that its a pile of crap.
You first say that the minority should succumb to you because your majority, then you can somehow say that? Boggles my mind.
What's the difference between student led prayer groups on school grounds and teacher led prayer groups on school grounds
I don't understand what is so hard to understand about Teachers = Government employees, they can't endorse ANY religion. Students = not government employees.
It's that simple.