Originally Posted by willravel
Willravel's subtle humor swings and misses.
...Sarcasm also isn't your forte...
But it's not that simple. Atheists convert with books or protests. Christians, some anyway, convert with knives. Have you ever heard of any religious person being physically hurt by atheists because of their faith? Absolutely not. Conversion with a book is better than conversion with a gun.
What kind of comparison is this? Christianity has been around for over 2,000 years; Atheism in it's present form has been around for around 150 years. During Christianity's first 150 years, it didn't go out subjugating other cultures.
You had to find some miniscule, out in the boonies example, which really only made your case worse. If you hadn't responded then at least you didn't try and fail. Your fictional 'al atheists baching christianity' show was a farce.
Couple of things here.
Nowhere did I say all atheists make it their goal to attack and disprove other religions. I did say, however, that this is the general attitude of most atheists. Anywho, with that being said, you stated that you were unfamiliar with such shows. I showed you one (Actually, it has about twenty or so broadcasts for you to listen to) and you instantly replied with "That doesn't count because it's not mainstream!" So, twenty or so non-mainstream shows in which you have a panel of atheists bash other religions is different than one show on a mainstream network bashing atheists how...? I'm still not seeing the difference, unless you're stating that it's A-OK to do the bashing as long as you're not on public TV.
Which camp is that? I watch Democracy Now! and read a few newspapers, not one of the BS news networks. Do you disagree with my clever little quote?
Hahaha. Here we are again. So where is this atheist agenda on TV? Noewhere. That's what I thought.
...Didn't we just go over this?
I think we can all agree that Presidents are not the place to look for a good example of anything that has to do with government except corruption or ignorance. Bush invaded Iraq with the supposed support of God.
Great! You totally avoided the point I was making. If religion doesn't (And didn't) play such an important part in American society, do you think such a question would be continually posed in presidential debates? ...No? I didn't think so.
When anything religious goes into public schools, it's an imposition. When religion leaves public schools, it's a return to equilibrium. Remember, atheism isn't a religion. It's a lack there of, and as such isn't subject to the same rules in public schools.
It's an imposition only if it's forced on you. If you're not required to participate in any religious based activity, then there's nothing being imposed on you. All you're effectively doing is preventing those people who want to take part in those activities from doing so (Which, according to your definition, would be imposition).
If the bible study is priave, that's great. I promote bible studies among Christians, just like I support Qu'ran studies for Muslims and Torah studies for Jews. Your religion is important to you and you experiencing the peace and understanding of that religion can't hurt me. The problem is that bible studies have no place in public schools.
I promote Bible studies for anyone who wants them. I support Koran studies for anyone who wants them. I also support Torah studies for anyone who wants them. For the people who don't want them, I say move on with your life and stop acting as if you're being imposed upon because of what others do.
If you're not being forced into participation against your will, then you really have no room to complain.
Because it's not as cut and dry as you're making it. If a child wants to pray silently before a meal or before a test, no one cares, even us godless athiests. t's when the teacher leads the class in prayer right after doing the flag salute that things get really stupid. Would you want your kid reading from the Qu'ran and being taught that it's the correct religion at a public school? No? Why not? There's your answer.
No. I wouldn't. But, you know, I would prevent others from doing it. I'd simply do as my mom did me when I was little-- Request that I be removed from the classroom while such activities are going on. It's rocket science, I know.
You see, instead of having your child removed from the classroom, you'd rather inconvenience everyone else by restricting them from participating in such activities.
I don't know of any school teacher that leads prayers to every diety. It's usually just one diety, and it's usually Christian (simply because Christianity is the most prevelant religion).
...And my subtle humor goes unnoticed...
Why do you think people have to pray in school? They are lording their god over everyone. I did it when I was in school, and a lot of my Christian buddies did too. It's perfectly clear, and your suggestion that I'm distorting the bible is ludicrous. The words are plain and simple.
First and foremost, you're not making the difference between group prayer and public prayer as described in the Bible. Group prayer occurs with more than one person; Public prayer is when you pray by yourself in public for the sole purpose of showing off. Hey, if you read the Bible you'd know that Jesus engaged in public prayer, too!