Originally Posted by Halx
I'm stating that putting a law in the books to define a situation that has already been defined is bad. We already know what rape is, but placing a switch that any female can flip to get her partner in jail is the problem. I'll state again that this is an attack on pre-marital sex.
As far as i could tell from skimming the article, no one is putting a law on the books. The article mainly concerned interpretations of laws already on the books made by judges. If the situation was already suitably defined legally there would have been no need for them to provide further definition.
I don't understand your problem with the whole "switch" issue. How does this place any more power in the hands of women than rape laws already do? Women, if they so desire, already have a switch to flip to get their partner in jail. I would be willing to bet that the number of women who actually do "flip the switch" is incredibly small, certainly much smaller than the number of women who actually get raped.
This is not an attack on premarital sex. How does it create more tension? Do you sleep with women whom you expect to accuse you of rape?