Originally Posted by Halx
To sum it up, the woman needs to do her part in resisting if she is able. A single word might be appropriate when it comes to BDSM and role playing, but when it comes to just plain consentual sex, the thought that it can turn to rape without an exclamation is sad.
I don't understand your flippety-floppety attitude. No one, including your linked article, said that rape could happen without an exclamation. Having said that, it can be rape even without an exclamation. If I have you gagged, you can't exclaim anything but rape can still happen.
Rape doesn't come out of dissent. Rape happens without consent. She doesn't have to say no, she just has to not say yes.
Just so we're clear... Suppose she consented to sex but, during the act, she clearly says "no." If he continues to have sex with her against her will, is this rape?
Originally Posted by filtherton
There is no basis in fact for the assertion that this law will only result in men being fucked over by regretful women. In fact, as multiple anecdotes suggest, if a woman felt the need to cry rape she doesn't need this kind of protection to do it.
People get this weird idea all the time. Some people object to maternity leave because they feel women will take advantage of the "free vacation." Free vacation? She has to have a child for that "free vacation," so it's highly unlikely anyone is going to try to "take advantage" of it...
Why would someone accuse you of rape after the fact? Because rape trials are fun? Any accusation of rape is worth an investigation. As filtherton has pointed out, you don't need the right to rescind consent during sex to screw men over with accusations so it hardly aggrevates that issue...