Originally Posted by Halx
Gilda, my point is that it's fairly straightforward what rape is in those situations. If the female doesn't object, yet is under duress or incapacitated (that was the word I was looking for) in any way, then it can be rape. But to give a guy clear entry and then slam the door shut while his dick is still inside is nothing but a device. I agree that it can "turn into" rape by suddenly becoming unwelcomely aggressive, but if a girl is not under any duress, she needs to make a physical effort to resist the man.
It seems like you agree with the spirit of the law, but you're condemning it based solely on a subset of possible scenarios in which it could come to play.
There is no basis in fact for the assertion that this law will only result in men being fucked over by regretful women. In fact, as multiple anecdotes suggest, if a woman felt the need to cry rape she doesn't need this kind of protection to do it.