Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
So you're saying it's possible for an atheist to know about theist beliefs but impossible for a theist to know about atheist beliefs? Or that atheists or more knowledgeable than theists? I have a problem with that assertion. If you've ever sat down and listened/saw a debate between atheists concerning other religions that you'd notice that they're just as condescending as their theist counterparts.
I agree with ngdawg here. I know many more athiests that are educated in religion than I do thiests educated in religions or beliefs other than their own. I think this is partly because of the way religions view those with other beliefs, most of the time it's not with a positive light and so alot of thiests don't know much about other religions. This is a generalization, I realize that but there's a point.
Religion has no place in school, there are multiple parts of the constitution that say this along with many Supreme Court rulings. This is fact, not opinion.