Originally Posted by Halx
Ok, the point of my post is not about whether you think it's rape if the woman says yes and then says no during the sex. The point is the way life is being broken down into various ways to go to jail. The way we coddle various social groups by giving them as much power over a situation as possible, allowing them to cry foul if someone so much as blinks in their presence is disturbing. Soon we'll be able to have dinner guests arrested for insulting our cooking.
I wonder when and if people will get a grip.
I do wish you'd be a little more explicit with your post. Despite all the other posts in this thread (which suggests that they understood you), I can't make heads or tails of yours. Specifically, I don't understand what your position is. You say your point is "not about whether you think it's rape if the woman says yes and then says no during the sex," but then you say things that sound like they are questioning this very premise. It, indeed, sounds like your is about whether withdrawing consent during sex is rape.
So, perhaps you can answer this simple qustion and it may clear things up for me. In regards to rape and consent, what would be an example of "people getting a grip?"
Originally Posted by Sharon
But it does - it changes the level of the consequences. Giving a guy blue balls, or manipulating him emotionally is one thing... putting him in jail or giving him a criminal record (and in the UK that means the sex offenders' register which will make it harder for you to get a job, teach, etc) is something completely different.
The sex offender's register is one thing but falsely accusing someone of a crime is not unique to rape. I can report to the authorities that I witnessed you robbing me. The shit only falls on me when there's an investigation that shows no evidence of such an act...