Originally Posted by Halx
You already said you knew how I was going to respond, so I didn't bother typing it out. My suggested solution is that you take what you know about a poster OUT of the equation when you comment on a post.
Your response is STILL irrelevant to the topic I was discussing and side-steps the issue, not even attempting to address my concerns. Plus, you have just demonstrated that you yourself cannot do what you are suggesting that everyone else do, which is to take what you know about me out of the equation when you comment on a post. I linked that other response and then added a further point, which you haven't even acknowledged, let alone rebutted or supported. It appears that you haven't considered it at all.
The issue I brought up is that you are mixing up social friction and frustration with irresponsible posts. (I am using your own terminology to make this clearer.) Irresponsible posts are not the ones where we let our thoughts or emotions show too clearly (isn't that sort of what we want around here anyway?) - irresponsible posts are the ones where the poster does not have the courage or desire to take responsibility for what they said. Perhaps if we were allowed to call out irresponsible posts as we should be able to, I wouldn't have felt the need to respond to tecoyah/chimera's thread about participation by questioning his character. However, it's hard to have any thought when reading that thread but, 'Look who's talking!'
If you can think of a reasonable way to allow for this sort of idea to be expressed (because I think it's a perfectly reasonable idea), I will happily abandon my aggressive stance in this thread, go back into that thread and even apologize to him for bringing something up in the wrong venue. Until that day comes, this will likely continue to happen.