There is always a flip side. While I was out clubbing one night about six months ago, I saw a friend of mine leave with a very cute Irish redhead. The next day, I sent him a text message teasing him about getting lucky, and he responded with a laugh and a "kind of", as she'd given him a blowjob instead of full sex.
A week later, police showed up at his door and arrested him for sexual assault. He spent the night in a jail cell, wask questioned in the early hours of the morning, and then bailed. He's still waiting to see if he'll be charged (he's been rebailed twice).
As a woman, I'm glad that there is protection against rape and sexual assault, but it's scary how some women (a minority) use that power to do seriously fucked-up things for no apparent reason. I am presuming that my friend is innocent, to be fair, and we still don't know if he will be charged. But the experience certainly shook him up, and he's not so much as approached a girl since. I don't think that's very fair on him at all.