Originally Posted by Halx
The point is the way life is being broken down into various ways to go to jail. The way we coddle various social groups by giving them as much power over a situation as possible, allowing them to cry foul if someone so much as blinks in their presence is disturbing. Soon we'll be able to have dinner guests arrested for insulting our cooking.
I wonder when and if people will get a grip.
I disagree that allowing someone to decide not to have sex anymore amounts to coddling. It could be argued that men have generally had the most power in most any given sexual situation since the beginning of time; that's why rape is illegal. I don't think that giving people (generally women) a little more protection/power in matters of intercourse is necessarily a bad thing.
Having sex against your will is a far cry from having your cooking insulted and comparing the two is absurd.
Also, for the record, having diverse paths to incarceration is nothing new. Laws break down life into various ways to go to jail, and they've been around a lot longer than your ability to observe legal and sociological phenomena.