Originally Posted by CSflim
They should do a whole series of this show. Next week a bunch of people sit around and bash Christians. Week after that is the Jew bashing episode. And the fourth (and presumably last) episode would be the Muslim bashing episode.
Nah, you'd need to cover all the big six religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism, along with atheists.
This is one of the benefits of being a Unitarian Universalist. Nobody pays much attention to us because we're so small and because nobody can figure out what we're about.
It was a poorly formed panel that didn't have any atheists on it. There used to be a series of debates on PBS that would have a large panel of people of various religious, philosophical, and political affiliations to discuss the issue.
I loved watching those things.
This wasn't at all a well chosen panel. However, I do think the guy there made some good points in favor of accepting that atheists, just like anyone else, should have the same right to speak up about their beliefs as everyone else does.
The Jewish woman there really didn't strike me as being much like the Jewish people I've known, and I've known more than a few, both Orthodox and Reform. Judaism is an inward looking religion whose practitioners generally don't care about other people's religious beliefs or lack thereof. I suppose it's possible she's a messianic Jew, or a member of Jews for Jesus, which would explain her "It's a Christian Nation" nonsense and her apparent fervor for Christianity.
My favorite part was the other woman saying she didn't want atheists infringing on her right to have prayers in schools and "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance immediately after a complaint about the atheist parent suing schools on his child's behalf.
It sucks that there wasn't an atheist on the panel, but at least there was one panelist who, after the idiotic "It's a Christian nation" talking point managed to give a good show of defending some of the rights of atheists.
I have a big problem with anyone who tells a particular group that they should "shut up" because of who they are. Annoys the hell out of me.
Oh, and "Freedom of Religion" does mean "freedom from religion", at least when it comes to government exercises of power.