Hey, IL, when have you seen an all athiest debate about religion?
To the first video: Yes, athiests are not only marginalized but mistreated because they refuse to believe in magic. The more ignorant of the flock of Jesus (or Muhammed, or Moses, or even Shiva) often will consider someone to be less than human because they won't be joining the religious people in heaven. I just take it as jelousy and move on, but when one is evicted, something must be done.
The second video: Karen Hunter is a bigot. "They don't believe in anything." What a crock of shit. Atheists refuse to believe in the unprovable. We believe in science and what can be taken in through our sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. "We took prayer out of schools, what more do they want?" Prayer never belonged in public schools because we are not a Christian theocracy. The removal of prayer from schools was a step towards equlibrium, not towards atheism. Debbie made me laugh. "We are a Christian nation! Well, I'm not Christian, I'm Jewish" which means that she can team up with her rivals to pick on the smaller groups that threatens them. Her claim that freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion is so far beyond ludacris, that she should be crucified. Both of those women should go and live in Iran so that they understand what direction their ignorance would lead the country in.
I would have expected this kind of tripe from Fox News, but not CNN.