pigglet, I'm going over what I would have said, imagining myself to be the lone atheist on the panel.
"Nobody is taking any right away, only making public spaces more accepting of all people. Excuse me if I want to feel accepted."
"That's a great bit of hate right there. Inferring that increasing islam influence in Europe is bad. Do you even feel your spine when you claim to be Jewish, yet submit that this is a 'Christian Nation'?"
"I don't know about anyone here, but I believe I live in a Free Nation, not a Christian Nation. What this means is I have the hope that one day ALL views are accepted. It's easy to squeeze out the little guy and I was raised to be more considerate."
"Are you inferring that Atheists have no moral decency? I can tell you that a person's beliefs have no bearing on their morals, only the guilt that they feel when they overstep them."