I thought it was funny that the only person who was defending the atheist (and frankly, for the sake of the discussion it could have really been any unpopular group) right to speak up about issues of concern was the espn commentator. The famous author and the "conservative" lawyer were both on the "I think they should shut up" side. IL, I think you could make a case for the circumstances in Europe right now that have nothing to do with atheism; furthermore, I think its a little bit conceited to act as though Europe is just falling into a state of total disrepair....as compared to? The states? I'm not sure that's a straightforward analysis, and I really don't think you can easily lay any claims at the feet of atheism.
Hal, I wonder what the conversation would be like if they did have an informed atheist up there arguing the points. I remember being a child and having Madelaine Murray O'Hare presented as an evil, evil woman who wasn't so much corrupt as she was just straight out insane. I was having lunch with a colleague from work a month ago or so, and after she'd mentioned her church about 30 times, she finally asked me where i attended. i told her i didn't believe in personified deities. her jaw dropped. i don't think she'd ever met a real-life atheist before. it was a strange scene, that's for sure. its not very common down here (the deep South) to find professed atheists. I forget that sometimes. I think there are a lot of people who are closer to agnostics, but even they go to Church.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style