Since Dave is going to be in Israel for V-Day we have already exchanged presents. He bought me a 51 cm strand of 13 mm black pearls (I've wanted those all my life and in Korea they were cheaper than here lol) and I bought him another present he will never use, because its a "collectible".
New years we saw a car in NC that had a snitch (from harry potter) antenna ball, so I set about trying to find him one. Turns out they were made as promotional items for the first movie and never made to be "sold". So I paid a good chunck of change to buy one from a collector. It will never go on the car cause someone might steal it, so it will stay in its packaging and sit along side a miriad of other presents that collect dust....but they are still in their packaging, so the actual product isnt dusty
he was tickled to death with it
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!