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Old 02-05-2007, 09:09 PM   #45 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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I've never noticed a difference in word processing, but it'll depend on what kinds of coputers you work on.

I'm really curious why people think that the Apple/PC commercials are filled with misinformation. I've never seen one that said Mac has more games or that or that you can modify a Mac like a PC. They are clear.

Maybe I should list the ones I'm familair with:
1) Sabotage: In this add, PC has apparently hired someone to replace the Mac guy and say that the PC is better. The Mac guy shows up and fake says he likes Macs. It really wasn't making an argument, it was just being cute or dumb.
2) Tech Support: In this add a tech guy joins the cast in order to add a camera with tape. Mac guy explains that the camera is already ready to go without trouble and built in with the Mac. The hardware and software is ready to go on all new iMacs, MacBooks, and MacBook Pros. No need to install anything, load software, etc. It's true. As to the PC, some PCs do have a built in camera, but only some, and not all of them are ready to go when you plug and go.
3) Surgery: PC is wearing a hospital gown and getting ready for a Vista upgade. "Like a lot of PCs, I have to update my graphics card, my memory, and if I want the premium package I need a faster processor." says the PC. The argument the add is making has to do with how some PCs do need to upgrade in order to keep up with Vista. Why? The last version of Windows came out 10/25/01. The last version, 5.1 service pack 2, came out in mid 2004. Many people have only needed to upgrade for extra stuff, like games and media. You can run MS Office on a 6 year old machine (if you can get it to last that long, which isn't likely). The last version of Mac OS X to come out was 10.4.8, which came out in September of 2006. 10.5 comes out in the spring. Mac constantly upgrades and improves. Windows is slower to upgrade, so either the jumps are much bigger, and you might need to upgrate to keep up, or the jumps are smaller, and Windows isn't keeping up with Mac OS X. It's rather lose/lose.
4) Sales Pitch: Mac: "Hellow, I'm a Mac." PC: "...and BUY a PC!" PC uses popups and flashy BS to advertize. I'm sure we've all seen the Dell or HP commercials with flashy prices and little substance. Mac, sarcastically: "That's very subtle."
5) Meant for Work: In this, PC is covered in stickers. He complains about having to deal with kids. I think that we can all agree that Mac's software is much easier for kids. You don't need to know anything more complicated than how to read or use a mouse.
6) Counselor: In this add, we see PC and Mac are in therepy dealing with their issues. PC says that he feels inadequate. "PCs get viruses, we can't do as much out of the box," both of which are true. iLife comes with all the creative software anyone needs to start right out of the box, which PC recognizes.
7) Better Results: In this add, PC proudly explains how he just finished a home movie. Mac says that he has also just finished a movie. Mac's movie is supermodel Gisele Bundchen, obviously representing quality and looking professional. PC's home movie is a man in a dress. Has anyone here had a chance to use Windows DVD Maker for Vista yet? I have! It's similar to the first incarnation of iMovie, but it is missing ease of use and many features (like the ability to use iTunes, for example).
8) Self Pity: In this add, Mac is wearing a suit, which sparks PC's curiosity. Mac explains that Macs have been able to run Microsoft Office for years (true). PC gets sick because he feels like he's lost his edge.
9) Accident: In this add, PC is in a wheel chair and has casts on both arms and his left leg. When Mac inquires, PC explains how his power cord was tripped over. Mac explains how MacBooks have a magnetic power cord that simply pulls off when pulled. There is no danger of accedentally pulling your computer off your desk.
10): Angel/Devil: In this add, Mac has a photobook made from iPhoto. When PC looks at it, the cliche Devil and Angels appear, and then he hadns back the book. No message here, just entertaiment.
11) Trust Mac In this add, PC is in disguise. PC complains that he has to take extreme measures because he is plagued by spyware out there. Mac doesn't have to worry about Spyware and viruses.
12) [B]Out of the Box[/]: In this add, each of our comptuer representatives is in a box. Mac says he's thinking about making a movie, or a website, or trying out his built in camera. PC has to download some drivers, erase trial software, then read through some manuals. Mac doesn't come with trial software at all. Nothing expires after 30, 60 or 90 days. You get it, and you don't have to worry about it again.
13) Touche: In this add, they introduce themselves
Mac: "Hey, I'm a Mac."
PC: " and I'm a PC."
Mac: "and I'm a PC, too."
Mac goes on to explain how you can run either Mac OSX or Windows on an Apple, which makes him the only computer you'll ever need. PCs can't run Mac OS X (legally, or efficiently).
14) Work vs. Home: I think this was the first add. Mac explains how he's into doing movies, music, podcasts (which were pioneered on a Mac). PC says he's into time sheets and spreadsheets and pie chartes. The idea would be that Mac comes with the software in iLife that allows you to immediatally start working on photos, music, video, and podcast projects. PCs, right out of the box, can't, though you can do basic stuff like spreadheets.
15) Viruses: In this add, PC has a virus. Macs don't get viruses. It's really that simple.
16) Restarting: In this add, PC freezes and has to restart. Statistically speaking, computers that run Windows freeze and have to restart much, much more often than Macs. Many Macs go through years of service without freezing. I've never heard of a PC that's never frozen. Have you?
17) iLife: PC is using an iPod, an apple product if I remember correctly. PC explains that he uses the iPod with iTunes. Mac explians that iMovie, iPhoto and iWeb (safari), bcause they work as well as iTunes.
18) Network: In this add (the last I swear), Mac and PC have set up a network. An asian woman comes along representing a digital camera. Mac starts speaking Japanese with the camera, causing PC to ask, "You speak her language?" Macs come ready to communicate with cameras. I've used dozens of digital cameras, printers, scanners and camcorders on my Mac, and I've never had to download a driver. You plug it in and it automaticaly works. When you plug a digital camera in, it automaticaly opens iPhoto and asks if you're ready to import the pictures. It's something.

So yeah, that's the list, and I've not seen one add that misleads or lies about anything.
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