A proposal***
There are many of us here....I Imagine, that wish to see this forum evolve "as intended" into its next incarnation of splendor. This cannot happen unless we make it so, and put in the effort required to revitalize the place we inhabit. In this light, I would like to make a couple suggestions:
Post something.....make a thread....become active again. It really makes small difference "What" the thread is, considering the large membership here someone will likely find it interesting and contribute, especially if we all decide to be active here again.
Self Moderate.....and call a freakin' spade....a spade. The worst case here is a warning from staff if you lack the subtlety to word such a thing correctly, and a measure of respect if you word it properly....think of it as a challenge of intellect.
Show your personality.....as there are few places in this vast world of Cyberstupidity, that can claim to have as much as the Tilted Forum Project, Hands down the be all of online communities.
Enjoy Yourself.....Seriously, all it takes is the mindset. Very few aspects of this place require a devotion to the great God of Pissyness, and when she does step in.....Use tha damn Back Button, or refer to suggestion #2.
Lets rebuild this place into what we all want......something to be proud of belonging to.