Hal, you have an internet forum that appears to have seen better days and I can appreciate you interest in keeping tfp alive and interesting. I must say that your above proclamation appears to ignore some very relevant suggestions given recently by your members. Is this your 'mission' statement that was also suggested?
The hyperbole of your challenge "to join me in that fight or simply posture about how important your dollar and word is?" strikes me as something quite odd, if not insincere. I have followed the whole debacle of your "Social Experiment" and yet you insist that you are pleased with the outcome. You also claim to be pleased with the direction of the tfp topic regarding C:A. Your comments cause me to wonder what it is that you are striving to achieve for either forum.
Hal, I "fight" for worthy things and I believe you have done more damage to tfp than any of those that stood up to criticize you and your recent decisions. It's been fun, but I have no "fight" to offer you and your forums. That energy is far better expended elsewhere.