The board now feels stagnant, and I feel that I know why
in any net community, people come and go, and some will be complete wankers, some will be worthwhile people- Free porn sucks in the masses- Once this place was filled with funny threads in nonesense, humor, etc, - there were more posts, period, in general- what it comes to is that to find the diamonds, you must deal with the coal, and porn will bring em in like nothing else- YES there will be trouble with idiots, but you will also get great things and better people along with it- I and a lot of others were recommended to this forum for the porn, and without it would not have found the place that I now love- so open the porn floodgates, and prepare to sort through the idiots with a lot of EVENHANDED and dedicated modding, and watch the place flourish again......... (an important footnote is that this cannot work without dedicated mods who are fair- I have no complaints at this time personally, but its gonna be a big task, and stressfull, as I am sure you all know.....)
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens