pigglet, Halx,
I don't propose that that thread should have been better moderated. It is critical that you should be able to call a spade a spade, etc. That said, I think that there is a strong presence of 'Old Guard' that I've never felt comfortable 'calling out'.
I brought it up because at the time I noticed 3 SuperModerators coming down on the poster, not the idea. The entire response was off, and I recall it was a turning point for my opinion of the TFP. I also think it is a highpoint in internet discussion; someone actually changed their opinion- Jinnkai uses (used?) a suitably modified statement of his original thesis in his signature.
There is a quote, paraphrased and non-attributed, that great minds discuss ideas, normal minds discuss events, but small minds talk about people. I probably talk the most about people and events, and only occasionally about ideas. At one point, I think that TFP was a great medium and one of the only places online that you could talk about ideas like an adult. I came to TFP through a Fark porn link, and I quite literally stayed because of mature internet discussion. I'm young enough to have always had a computer, but I'm old enough to hate l33t5p34k. I'm proud that we haven't degenerated to allowing in large scale. I also want to make the distinction between "mature" and "elevated" discussion. I don't claim to be a great thinker or that most my posts are elevated, but I very much appreciate the lack of "STFU Noob"
Also, I think the presence of the nonsense board, the erogenous zone, and creativity are a critical balance to the potentially too 'elevated' discussion.