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Old 02-03-2007, 12:51 PM   #4 (permalink)
KnifeMissile's Avatar
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
This thread sums up what I like about the TFP. Here's a quote, for convenience:
I can't help but notice that traffic at the Tilted Forum Project has slowed down this year. For whatever reason, many of our members no longer frequent here and we're not getting many new ones. So, I decided to explore another message board. I thought the experience might be interesting and I guess it has been...

I'm currently also on another message board that is more than ten times bigger than this one, based on the number of users logged on. On their equivalent of Tilted Knowledge, there was a post on time travel. The original poster didn't understand why people thought that travelling faster than light could cause you to travel back in time. This is a subject I know quite a bit about and I was hoping to explain it but there was already more than a page of responses, which really wasn't that surprising considering how busy the board is. So, I read the responses and, to my surprise, no one understood a thing! I was surprised that no one on a board that large understood simple relativity. I assure you, if that question were posted here, I would not be the only knowledgable person to comment on it and we're just a fraction of their size. So, I then proceeded to explain the phenomena in no uncertain terms and then waited for any responses. I was sure there would be some posts asking to clarify some points considering how little they knew or understood. However, to my disapointment, no one responded to me. In fact, people seemed to have completely ignored my post and continued on with their ridiculous arguments. It's as if I have been killfiled. It's like being a ghost and watching blind people fumble over each other while my ethereal body is powerless to help anybody.

Why am I unanimously ignored? Why won't anyone read a single word I've typed? Well, perhaps this quote from their rules and guidelines thread will shed some light on the subject: the emphasis is the poster's and not mine...
Please read this. It is an important guide to try to help you understand why people pay for subscriptions to browse here, because although it is not required ... it is one of the biggest decisions you will eventually have in browsing here.

Now, trust me, I know the feeling. I joined up on this site a year ago and my initial reaction was, "WHAT?! Pay for an avatar and signature? Are you JOKING?" and I looked around at all of the other members with avatars and I couldn't even begin to fathom that all of these people had actually paid money to browse here. I was literally in complete awe, I didn't know what to think.

After a few weeks of browsing though, I got tired of the site. I got tired of people calling me stupid and not reading my posts, and I genuinely wanted my opinion to mean something here. As you can see now, I've made over 17,000 posts on this site ... and I am appreciative to this community for reading a lot of them and responding to them. The difference of having an av here makes an astounding difference in who you are and what your place is.

... Anyhow, back on track, I wasn't posting much because I knew that no one would care about what I posted. I hardly participated in any threads at all.

One day I saw a topic by another member that read that the #___th poster would win a free avatar, so I participated and to my luck, I actually won. Having an avatar totally changed everything, I had been registered for a few weeks and all of a sudden people were actually replying to what I had to say and it made me feel as if I were an important part of this community. You may say to yourself, "So who cares? Why does it even matter?" Well, it obviously does matter, at least to me AND to you, because if you didn't care then you wouldn't have signed up here and you wouldn't be posting. It's not as if this forum is about specific hardware issues or anything, it is a forum that is 100% random, with no reason to be here except to post and to read threads that the community is offering. You care about what people think of your posts and you care about reading other posts, otherwise you wouldn't be posting or reading. Pretty simple concept, I think.

Now it seems shallow that having an avatar means that everything changes so much for you, but it's really not. I used to think it was too, and before I actually got an avatar ... I do indeed recall being rather anti-avatar, simply because I didn't understand. Since then I have come to understand why having that little title and picture under your name is so important. It IDENTIFIES you. A lot of the new members here make posts that have been posted before, covered a million times, or are just plain stupid / ignorant (hence the initiation forum, huh? It's here for a reason). When people see that 1) you have paid money to be here and 2) you are not just another new member with no avatar, you tend to get recognized. Not having an avatar generally puts you into the category of someone who is new, and a lot of new members just plain suck. It's the truth that many older members don't like all new members, just because it is a general rule that noob = stupid. A lot of times this is proved true, but with the chance that you aren't stupid and have stuff to contribute, a quick and easy way to get yourself out of the 'noob lump' is to buy an av. As long as you make good posts and have an av, you will probably be considered as OG as Fazle (well maybe not, but close!).

To be honest, I had read this post before posting to the time travel thread, so I wasn't entirely surprised that I was ignored but it did confirm this rather pessimistic viewpoint. Personally, with an attitude like this, I'm not sure the site deserves a membership fee...

Of course, you'll note that no such stigma exists here. Over all, I find this site to be much more mature and respectful than the other. Hell, I'd post this as a testimonial if it didn't include material from another board! So, I hope this post reminds everyone of why we're here and I hope it helps us to better appreciate what we have...

...and, if you have a website of any kind, perhaps it won't hurt to advertise this place on it! Just a thought...
KnifeMissile is offline  

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