Well, Daoust (obviously forgetting that I am batshit crazy) tried to talk while
I was talking.
I signed in last night to chat because I was kind of bored, and Halx asked that I discuss C:A with him because I had expressed opposition to it in the other thread and directed it right at him. Honestly, I hardly saw any need to the conversation once I realized Hal's stand on his relationship to the board and we established that we simply disagree as to the method of running it. But then as it spilled into topics I was largely unprepared to discuss, other people I respect brought up something that I noticed independently of my interactions with them and I was compelled to stick around and support what they were saying. I think if you are one of those people who doesn't know why this bad blood exists, it's because you're not a regular of BOTH the Exhibition forum and the Journals - the drama started there and only grew.
I am so utterly tired of being polite to (or ignoring) people who I don't think deserve the attention. My own response already
has been to leave the TFP to the hens, but it is disheartening and a little frustrating to abandon discussions I have an interest in because a couple of hens feel the need to come in and peck at all the people who don't want to pretend it's a henhouse.
As for my share of the kicking of Daoust from chat, that stemmed mostly from watching his interactions over at C:A - I simply don't have much respect for someone who just wants to be included for the sake of being included. This 'include-me-no-matter-what' garbage is same attitude that I have noticed among the suburban PTA clan that is trying to keep this place too 'clean', as JJ has mentioned. What I said about respect being earned instead of expected no matter what your actions - this is where it applies. I don't think I was wrong in telling Daoust to butt out. I also think Hal could have shown a little more tact about shushing (or kicking) him, but that probably has more to do with Hal's attention being focused on trying to comprehend my point (which I know was a rather difficult given our viewpoints) more than Hal going out of his way to be mean or excessively exclusive. Either way, that is Hal's issue and not mine. I didn't kick the guy; I just told him to butt out.
I do think it's unfortunate that Hal wanted to post the conversation as it was since any playfulness and other aspects of our tone borne out of the real-life relationships between many of the people in the chat that night are obviously doing more to feed the potshot fire than they are encouraging more useful input (thanks for illustrating, KnifeMissile). However, I recognized that it would be a big, slow job to take all of that and turn it into something that other people wouldn't misinterpret, so I agreed to Hal's idea of just posting the whole conversation.
On a separate note, I don't like the idea of putting the porn over at C:A. That would just link the two boards even more than they are currently linked and neither of them can benefit much from more of that.