Ok...I read the chat....havent read the responses yet because I wanted to say the one thing that came to mind immediately.
Halx, I say this with respect so please bear that in mind, and I say this as a person that has run forums for however long invision software has been around.
You left....Im not saying you didnt have life needs that made that necessary...but you created a place that was a haven for those of us that were tired of the C:A type boards. You made a place where a person could have an opinion and the "you suck, go away fat ass" type comments were simply not allowed. You made a place that actually made a person present a well thought out argument for "why I suck" and being a fat ass couldnt be a reason.
Then you did what I compare to "giving your child up to the foster care system"
While I wont pretend that you and I have ever gotten along and I have thought to myself many times "I need to remember what I was like when I was a kid read:someone in their 20's" I respected you "yeah there is that dreaded word" because it was YOUR board, YOUR rules because I knew from YOUR side what it takes to run a forum, and it was nice to be a guest for once. I also wont pretend that I was miffed the several times you asked for mod applications and I applied and was never even acknowledged....keep in mind I'm not saying I was miffed because I wasnt "chosen" I was miffed because no one took the time to even say "Hey Shannon, got your app but we've decided that because of <insert reason> you dont have anything to offer in the place of "authority". Its kinda like putting in a job application and never hearing back from the person.
Back to the foster care thing....Yeah you "left", but when you decided to come back you expected everyone one to hoot and holler and bow down....it doesnt work that way. You cant leave an infant to be raised by others and expect to come back to find things the same.
I made no secret about my opinions in the what happened to tfp thread....you've got mods that are not showing by example. You've got mods (not all mind you) that have the "do as I say not as I do" attitude. If I want that, I'll go to church thank you very much.
You say its to "high brow " here now.....maybe you're just not recognizing that those of us that call tfp home are doing it for very specific reasons....because its not another C:A type board.
I have long said there are two ways to disagree. One is childish and immature and one is the adult way. I can take disagreement just fine when its done the 2nd way. Here at tfp even if people disagree I KNOW WHY and I learn from other peoples thought out opinions.
Of course anyone that runs a forum has a "god" complex, and yes we like to hear the kudos and praise, because WE are the one that pay for it, not only monetarily, but in the 2 am "oh I have an idea that I cant wait to implement" way as well.
"We" are the ones that have to worry up if the upgrade will go right, or if the new skin we came across will be liked or if the new policy decision we've made will make or break the board....but at the same time we have to remember without the members "We" have no forum. "We" have to remember we cant just poo poo something because its not something "We" are interested in. Case in point the Pet Forum (I use this because I was reprimanded). MANY of us were asking for one and we were told....show us a need for it, start threads and see what happens. Well I did that and got told to stop and that I was being a smart ass about it, when in reality if that person had asked me what my intention was instead of treating me like a 2 year old, they would have seen that in all honesty I thought I was doing what we were asked to do and that just completely rubbed me the wrong way.
Like I stated in the other thread....I was all for supporting you and your new forum, I signed up the minute you posted about it and set about for a "light hearted" evening of fun only to watch it turn into a new version of TRG (which will mean nothing to you but its what I wanted my boards NOT to be and its an abomination that I want no part of).
There ARE people that dont find that crap amusing or fun in any capacity and as a donor to TFP, who had put you on my bill list every month starting in 2007 for a paltry 20 bucks a month, Im still trying to figure out how you can say that donor funds dont in anyway relate to C:A when if you do a whois it shows they are using the same name server and to be quite honest....I dont want to pay for C:A, that would be like someone who boycotts Wal Mart shopping at Sams Club.
I've rambled long enuff without the aid of coffee....I hope at least one thing I've said makes sense, if not...ask and I will try to clarify.
I think if you want the genuine kudos and praise and credit, you need act like you give a damn about what we have to say instead of trying to play "god"
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!