Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
Why is it tho that the word "porn" itself seems bad?
The word Porn is derived from the Greek (possibly Ancient Greek) word for prostitute. That word is "porne", taken from the work meaning "to sell", and was generally used to describe the women of sale in certain open air circular areas of old ancient Greek towns. They were the "no strings attached, cheap" women of sale, the lowest rung. They could of course work up to being highly influential, but are still linked to the word used to describe them. Thus several thousand years have not been enough to purge our collective linguistic memory.
Linguistic history lesson is over for the day. My wife, interestingly enough, prefers animated porn(i.e. hentai), citing that she feels "wrong" for watching to real people copulate, but animate beings are all right since they don't exist. Whatever gets her happy and horny . . .