Well, you asked for suggestions Hal so here's my $.02:
I've been absent from the TFP for probably a year and a half, and coming back now with a fresh perspective I'd have to agree that while still great, it's not as great as it used to be. I've noticed the absence of several people whose posts I used to look forward to, but also the presence of some people with real presence who have been around here for a long time. *Edit-ok, now I know what the C?A stuff is about. What harm a little experimentation, sez I.
My suggestion for TFP may or may not be technically feasible for the forums based on the software you're using, but here goes. One of the big issues I picked up from your (REALLY long) chat log is that there's concern that people who post responsibly might be subjected to "douchebaggery". Maybe a system that allowed members to 'rate' other members, and sufficient negative ratings demoted the person being rated to n00b status or something like that...?
Also, maybe send an email to members who've been absent for a lengthy time to tell them about the changes you're making - see if you can't entice a few more of the people back who left...?
Last edited by JustDisGuy; 02-02-2007 at 09:19 PM..