Call of the Siren
Woo-ooooo-wooooooo! Whoooeeeeeee-wooooeeeeeee, woooooooooo.....
Everytime a siren goes off in the vicinity, be it fire truck, ambulance or police car, my lil' SweetPea immediately jumps up and heads to the window/door, alert and attention, ears all perked up. When the sirens get real close (one block over or pass in front), she will howl. "Ahwoooooo!!!"
Do other people's dogs do this too? Why? Is it because they recognize it as another dog howling? How come she doesn't do it when I howl at her? I can't seem to be able to "induce" her to howl.
What is this strange attraction, this "call of the siren" that captivates dogs (or maybe just my dog). Is it breed specific?