Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
I disagree that she's crazy... crazy people aren't as common, and she reminds me of many people I knew back in high school. However, she is extremely unstable... which is almost worse. Crazy people are at least entertaining, unstable people just make things miserable. And you can't try and use logic to understand either type of person, they run on pure emotion.
Anyway, I think you have the right idea... just try and remain neutral. Good luck.
well something is defiantly wrong..today during class she didn't say hi to me or anything but kept gazing at me, I didn't return any of her gazes and tried to read the newspaper without having to look at her then after class I left to have a smoke and she didn't show up even though she usually does. Then after the next class I decided not to go to the library where she always is but instead outside, then she comes out and doesn't come to the usual spot and just leaves. It seems she's provoking me to approach her but when I don't she avoids me or something? Did I do the right thing by avoiding her altogether?