hey, i guess you gotta do what you gotta do. On one hand, I dislike the fact that you had that experience over at C:A; on the other hand, I think that perhaps the "airing of grievances" can be a good thing. Usually, there's a little bit of truth on both sides of those types of things, so after the hurt has eased some maybe there's something useful in it? Hell, maybe not. I think all that will settle down after a bit, but then again - I don't really have a horse in your particular race, so to speak.
It's kind of hard for me to take anything seriously right now...I'm sick and watching Groundhog Day...so it kind of negates all negativity. When Bill Murray is on, he's on.
For what its worth, as you know I hate NASCAR - but my uncle used to work in the pits for one of the big racers in the 80's. I think it was Darrel Waltrip...whoever he was, he raced out of Spartanburg SC. My uncle (and my cousins and their friends and their fiances and their trophy deer heads) would probably put me to the torch for it, but best of luck to whomever in the Daytona.