the crap that started it, 'you' is a euphemism for 'anyone' (just less letters).
I've had go-rounds too, but they're mild compared to another forum I frequent.
I don't find intentional 'hate' essays and bashing threads to be an inside joke-once it's out, it's out.
If you haven't seen it, it's just as well, but it's all there if you're into that kind of perversity. Even there, while doing my own mudslinging, I never sunk to that 'I hate you and this is why'crap(why anyone hates is a mystery to me)...and that is the reason I will no longer post there. What's the point? To feed the bear again?
If you weren't a part of it or witnessed it, you're in with a clean slate and nothing to defend later-that's a good thing and it keeps you going back.
There are, however, quite a few of us who were knocked about and don't wish to get back into the ring. There's simply no point in it.
And yea, the final straw was hurtful-and it's still there for everyone to read, comment on, etc. Why on earth would I go back, besides the point that it was made abundantly clear by those who had their 'fun' that I am not welcome, regardless of the nick I use.
And for those who are rolling their eyes at this right now, Yea, what about it? I didn't make that bed and I won't sleep in it. If that's 'playing victim', so be it. It's self-preservation. I have no need for those that have no need for me and I don't go where I'm not invited.
So...who's gonna win the Daytona 500 opener in 3 weeks, eh?