I have to agree with ghost, if you want a quality sitter, who is responsable and will be happy about their job, then shell out a few extra bucks. The most common phrase when purchasing an item or service is " you get what you pay for". I had no problem shelling out the extra 20 to 40 bucks when my girls were younger to find a babysitter that I could trust. It all boils down to what you want out of a sitter, cheap cost, or quality care....personally I go for quality, and just didn't go out as often.
On a side note, sometimes you can negotiate for an evening, rather than a per hour basis. If the figure it's $10 per hour, and you call the night short, they only get 10 bucks, but if you agree on a set amount, say 25 or 30 for the "evening" no later than say midnight, then sometimes you can work it out that way.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison