Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I think you hit on a point that's been brewing in my mind, ng, and that is...if it's all about accepting every word that comes spewing forth from one's fingertips then why so much angst and resistance to the words been spewed forth on this thread? I would think the obvious reaction to it by those so accepting of full, free and "real" expression would be amusement or indifference. But that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Because we all want to 'look good' in others' eyes, no matter how much we protest otherwise.
I'm not buying the constant 'I don't give a shit' regarding getting respect or looking good. Ironically, when I said that about that point system, the very ones who are claiming I did (I really don't because I don't get it, number one and number two, my selfworth isn't based on a little icon in a forum saying how wonderful I am-that has to come from within) are now claiming over and over that they don't...give a shit.
What I say to them is the same thing they think they were telling me-stop defending your actions(in doing so, you know they weren't stellar). Either fix the problem and move along or STFU.
Sticking a password onto a forum comprised of slamming others tells me they
are embarrassed and give a shit. Don't deny-repair.
We are all responsible for what we do. And, like it not, it affects others and reflects on us as human beings.