Originally Posted by willravel
Is this really necessary? This has nothing to do with gun control. Assume this happened in a world without gun control issues and....wait a minute, I'm against guns because their very existence proves that some people fear the rare criminal encounter so much that they feel it's necessary to carry a deadly weapon with them at all times. I'm afraid your post, which was intended for me, should actually be for you.
If you stop to think about the state of things today, you'd see that it's all about what rights do you want to fight for. For some, apparently, only SOME rights are considered important anymore and to hell with the rest. That is a fools dream because every right is just as important as all the others.
Give some up for your safety from terrorism, you've already admitted that you trust the government more than your fellow citizen anyway. It won't be long before the rest of the rights we supposedly have can also be infringed because of 'compelling government interest'.